how do i know he loves me

How Do I Know He Loves Me?

How can I tell if he loves me?

Girls have been asking the same question for generations, from kid games with folded paper to fortune tellers to Whitney Houston singing.

Women all over the world have asked this question ever since love has been a phenomenon in the hearts and minds of human civilization.

Men aren’t known for being forthcoming with their emotions.

Some guys are more open than others, and it can feel as if he’s telling you what he thinks you want to hear rather than what he truly believes.

So, how can you know whether he truly loves you?

These are a few things that are difficult to miss.

He Makes Contact With You

We live in a time where communication is almost continuous.

Despite this, many women perceive themselves as the ones who reach out all the time.

If he is the first to call, email, or text, there’s a good chance he has feelings that he wants to explore.

Men who are hesitant rarely initiate contact.

They won’t send you notes in the morning or call you out of the blue to check on how your day is going.

he calls or texts you during the day
he calls or texts you during the day

He Expresses His Love for You

Many males find it difficult to say the “L” word.

Some men feel as if their tongues have suddenly been stuck to the tops of their mouths, just trying to utter it.

You’ve probably heard of the peanut butter dry mouth syndrome.

It’s nearly impossible for men to be the first to declare their love for you, even if they truly care.

If he says he loves you, he probably means it.

Don’t expect him to make Herculean efforts to prove it.

Just stating it was Herculean enough.

He Handles Your Friends and Family

Uncomfortable scrutiny is not something that most men are willing to put up with.

The fact that he’s ready to throw himself on the chopping board of public opinion says a lot about where his heart is.

You’ve got a genuine keeper on your hands if he keeps coming back for more scrutiny.

he is okay being around your family
he is okay being around your family

No matter how many things he tells you, what he goes through to show you, or whether he makes the first move, at the end of the day, the most important factor is whether he makes you feel loved.

If you don’t feel the love he professes, nothing he does, no matter how genuine and sweet, will persuade you.

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