Reigniting the Romance – How to Make Her Fall in Love With You Again
How often do you wish you could simply turn back the clock and start over with your love?
The desire to do so is more prevalent and commonplace than you probably realize.
Fortunately, you don’t need a time machine, magic carpet, or handy-dandy neuralyzer, like the one Tommy Lee Jones used to erase memories in the movie Men in Black, to help your girl fall in love with you all over again.
Here are a few tactics you do need to keep in mind, though, if you want your efforts to be successful.
Make It All About Her
Now is the time to put your idea of romance on the shelf.
When you’re working to win her back, you need to go back to the basics and make a concentrated effort to literally sweep her off her feet and back into your arms.
Revisit your first date.
Even if the exact location isn’t feasible for the two of you now (due to distance, time, being no longer in business, etc.), try to create a date that gives a nod to your first days together.
It will leave her thinking about happier times and have you both remembering the endearing qualities about each other that made you fall in love in the first place.
Make Her Laugh
After a while, relationships become serious.
We seem to take all the fun out of them.
Most women have stated more than once that their man’s sense of humor was what attracted them to him in the first place.
The Levi’s or Wrangler’s, depending on where you’re from, ran a close second.
The big point to take away from all this is that laughter is the way to her heart more often than not.
If your goal is to win her back, then making her laugh is a great place to begin.
Romance Her Between the Ears
Chocolates, flowers, and romantic gestures are all well and good.
If you want to set her heart aflutter, however, you’re going to have to touch the space between her ears.
Yes, it’s the brain.
It’s a scary proposition for many guys, but today’s woman is bright, savvy, and one tough cookie.
Reaching out and touching her heart will only get her attention briefly.
If you want to hold onto that attention, you’re going to have to give her something to wrap her mind around.
It may seem a little hard to do at first, but once you begin practicing these pathways to success, you’re sure to find a much better success rating for your efforts to win her back.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope it was helpful. Here is more information that I recommend for you:
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