4 Signs She’s Getting Bored with the Relationship
Building a great relationship can be one of the greatest and most exciting things you will ever do.
Many people work for years to solidify a solid bond between each other.
But what if that bond starts to fall apart?
Even the most tightly held relationships can eventually come unglued.
Sometimes people lose touch with what united them in the first place and simply coast through the relationship with a lack of interest or commitment.
In order to avoid disaster, it is essential for you to know the definitive signs that your significant other is getting bored with your relationship.
1. She Tells You… But Not With Words
There are many people who are completely dumbfounded when they find out their companion has lost interest.
They may find themselves asking their partner, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
What they don’t realize is that their companion has given them countless non-verbal signs of their degrading interests.
There are a ton of different ways someone can non-verbally communicate their disinterest.
One common signal is the rejection of public affection, which indicates that they don’t want to be associated with you.
Other indicators include an absence of eye contact, sighs, slamming doors, and being aloof when together.
2. The Way She Acts Now Is Not the Way She Acted in the Past
Every great relationship has its high points.
Think about the greatest times of your relationship and the way you would interact.
Try to get a solid idea of how conversations used to be and compare them to your current interactions.
Take note of any differences and try to find out why things changed.
For example, a couple used to always call each other at the end of the night to talk about their day.
They would effortlessly converse with each other about random things simply to hear the other’s voice.
Now, when they call each other, the conversations are much shorter and less engaging.
This could possibly be because one member of the relationship no longer has a desire to be close with the other.
3. Does She Make You Feel Special?
People tend to feel closer to others who go out of their way to make them feel important.
Most successful relationships are founded on a mutual effort to show how much they mean to one another.
Once a partner begins to lose interest, however, these efforts become much less obvious or simply nonexistent.
For example, a girlfriend knows how stressed out her boyfriend is at the end of the work week.
She would always dedicate an hour of her time to giving her boyfriend a massage and helping him unwind.
As she began to lose interest in the relationship, the sessions would become shorter and shorter until eventually they simply stopped all together.
4. Evaluate Intimacy
This is by far one of the most important ways to tell if your partner is losing interest in you.
A strong intimate bond plays a huge role in keeping a relationship fresh.
It shows that you have a mutual attraction for each other and motivates a stronger connection.
Pay close attention to any changes that may happen in your intimate life.
Are you touching less often?
Is there more physical distance between you?
Can you still see the spark of desire in your partner’s actions?
These are all important questions you should ask yourself if you feel your partner may be losing interest in you.
If you feel your relationship is changing but can’t quite figure out why, you should make an immediate effort to assess your partner’s interests.
You don’t have to lose hope in your relationship.
If you are able to pick up on these signs early enough, there is a good chance you can acknowledge the lack of interest, find out why it is happening, and come up with a solution to spice things up again.
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